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Spoken Words

What are words really?
They are meant to love, hate, lift up, bring down, express emotion, communicate, give meaning to something, give life to something or to kill something like dreams and character!
A word can make you happy or sad. It can brighten your day or it can ruin it! It can build you up or tear you down.
We don’t realize it but the words we speak have power! Prov 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they who indulge in it shall eat of the fruit thereof.
Whether it be good things you speak and eat of the good things, positive things in your life or whether it be evil or negative things in your life! If all you speak is negativity then you shall get negativity!
On to speaking things into existence using words!

Calling someone a loser or making fun! Saying things like I am a loser that I will never amount to anything! Or cancer runs in my family so im going to get it! By saying those things you give the enemy (SATAN) the permission to instill those things into your life! Things like I will never have anything I will never have anything! With that attitude you never will! God has called us into greatness not poverty or sickness!

Satan puts thoughts in our head but he cant make them manifest. We give these thoughts life when we speak them into existence we should cast down those thoughts! We should speak blessings on people and ourselves not curses!
Gossiping about one another has to stop! We must pray for those in trouble not talk about them and tell everyone what they are going through!

Are you a Christian or aren’t you? It’s pretty hard to tell when you are talking about someone just because they may be prettier than you or guys they might be more muscular than you! Or just because they are plane out different than you! Maybe they are less fortunate you don’t know there lives who are you to judge! A common comeback is “but their mean to me!” So what! Pray for them! The bible says do not render evil for evil!
Do not kill your witness by the words you say to or about others! How can you lead someone to Christ if you’re not acting like him? What will make you stand out from others? If I was a lost person what would make me want to join a group of people that went around and talked about everyone? That’s what keeps a lot of people out of churches and youth groups today!

1john 3:14 states that we know we have passed from death into life because we love the brethren.
We are suppost to be setting the example in this world not being a follower of it! We should be letting our light shine the hope that’s in us, the Jesus in us is suppost to be shining through! So I ask you are you living up to his expectations with your mouth with the things you say to others
Be a light that shines brightly through the darkness! You can make a difference!

Spoken Words

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