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Speaking This Christmas?

Uh-oh. You’re supposed to give a Christmas message at a community party or youth event or at your Toastmasters meeting…and you forgot? No problem–here’s a quick message you can share in any setting. Merry Christmas!

A Christmas Gift

Christmas traditions abound. Every culture and family has traditions that are shared amongst family and friends. And while some traditions are unique (playing Bingo, chicken wing eating contest, eating Santa’s cookies before going to bed, etc.) nearly everyone participates in gift giving. The irony, of course, is that Christmas itself is a gift: we’ve already received the ultimate gift in Jesus Christ. Yet the temptation we face each year is to focus so much on buying or asking for gifts that we forget the true gift giver.

So this year, as you’re shopping, wrapping, or opening gifts, remember these four things about Christmas using the word GIFT.

The G in gift is for God. God gave us the ultimate gift in Jesus. Kind of obvious, but let’s not forget that God came down to earth to give us a gift we could never purchase–and it’s one size fits all, doesn’t shrink, and always in season.

The I in gift is for Inviting. God is inviting us to be in a relationship with Him. Whether this is a new idea or one you’ve heard before, God is always looking to us, listening to us, and available to us. It’s a relationship based on His performance, not ours, so you never have to worry about not measuring up.

The F in gift is for Forgiving. Christmas is the ultimate reminder that God’s love is always available, so whether you need to ask God for forgiveness or extend it to another, now is the time to do it. God knows who you are and what you’ve done–or want to do–so if it’s something that’s not healthy, God offers forgiveness. Just ask Him.

Finally, the T in gift is for Trusting. Sure, God wants you to trust Him, but more importantly, God is trusting you to be a gift to someone this year. Who in your life needs some encouragement? Some help? God can certainly work wonders in their lives, but He also uses us, too. When you are a gift in someone’s life, you present the true meaning of Christmas…and it’s a gift you can give all year.

So don’t forget, when you’re sitting around the tree, or searching for batteries under the pile of discarded Christmas wrap, remember the true gift of Christmas: God Invites you, Forgives you, and Trusts you to be a gift to another this year.

Merry Christmas.

Speaking This Christmas?

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