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Some Christmas Fun (and a Lesson Idea)

These videos offer some Christmas fun in themselves…

but can also be the ingredients for a great youth group lesson.

(Here’s a fun non-Christmas option)

PicardWhat if you show these to your students, get some general reactions, and then probe around with them on a few takeaways?

  • Do these videos make you laugh or frustrate you?
  • How do you think the original creators of the material that was changed feels about these? Should they get the final say on it?
  • If you made something that meant something to you and another person came along to change it into something humorous, how would you feel about it?
  • What in God’s Creator do you feel He’s okay with us twisting into something other than what it was intended for? When does it cross a line? Who gets to have the final say on that… culture, or the Creator?

What topics do you think you could cover with this?


Some Christmas Fun (and a Lesson Idea)

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