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Snapchat is not what you think.

Good morning friends!

Wanted to bring attention to something that I believe could be affecting many of your students. Adam McLane, co-author of The Parents Guide to Understanding Social Media, recently revealed some ugly truths of the seemingly innocent smart phone app, Snapchat, that may just convince you to delete it.  

snap chat

Let’s just say its not as harmless as you or many of your students might think.

Images shared via Snapchat are not private as they are posed to be, and anyone can purchase the database, ultimately giving you no say in where your photos will be seen.

Adam does a great job of explaining the back end of how the app works, and why extra caution is needed with the technologies that are becoming increasingly integrated into today’s society. Want to learn more helpful tidbits like this? Adam blogs about youth ministry, leadership, social media and life at

A great resource on understanding the realities of the social media that your youth are connecting on daily basis is The Parents Guide to Understanding Social Media by Adam McLane and Mark Oestreicher . Share with the parents of your students and read it yourself. Get educated to protect your students from online dangers!

parents guide to social media

Keep on keepin’ on Simply Insiders! Make this week a great one.

– Amber

Snapchat is not what you think.

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