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Showing Up During A Crisis

When crisis hits your youth group … think of it as an incredible opportunity to serve your students and their families. Time to jump into action! In future articles we’ll cover some specific things to say or to avoid – this is more of a take from 50,000 ft. that we hope will be helpful as you serve students this school year.

Refuel your mind. Refresh your heart. Rejuvenate your soul.
Simply Youth Ministry Conference | March 2-5, 2012 | Louisville, KY


Let’s say that someone in your youth ministry was in a pretty bad car accident and it is midnight. How do you respond to a crisis like this? Here are some principles that should translate to this and other situations: 

Be the First to Show Up
In a real way, you are a tangible expression of Jesus Christ in the lives of your students. Showing up immediately in crisis assures them of their connection to God and of God’s love for them. They find incredible value in your presence, so show up as soon as possible. Assure them that God loves them and there is hope. If you have any question whether or not you’re welcome, go and be turned away rather than not go and regret it later.

Be Present
When you’re there, make sure you’ve got time to give them your full attention. There’s nothing worse than something that is an all-consuming-crisis for someone else that doesn’t carry that same weight with you. Turn off your cell phone, make great eye contact, cancel other appointments so you can give the situation proper time. In short… give them your full attention.

Be Available
In times of crisis a family or student may make some special requests of you. Do everything in your power to make it happen, even if it isn’t in your talent wheelhouse. Lean into your team to help you pull of whatever you can.

Show Up Later
When someone is in crisis – usually a ton of people jump at the chance to help. That’s the beauty of the church and the power of community in action. The problem is that people’s problems lose some of their attraction over time. Make sure that you show up at the front of a crisis, and circle back when everyone else is gone. You might find an incredible window to minister to people when there’s less of a crowd around.

Refuel your mind. Refresh your heart. Rejuvenate your soul.
Simply Youth Ministry Conference | March 2-5, 2012 | Louisville, KY


Thank you for serving students! Thank you for being there when their young lives hit a serious crisis. It is a privilege and heavy responsibility to walk through tough times with them. Thanks for doing what you do!

Showing Up During A Crisis

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