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3 mins

How Your Emotional Health May Be Killing Your Ministry…

Nine years ago, I was on the path to success in ministry, but I was in danger of losing my fiancé. I was gaining the knowledge needed to pastor through seminary, but I was ill equipped in the art of relationships and did not have the emotional health to fix it.…

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4 mins

Reaching Kids Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction

Reaching Kids Experiencing Same Sex Attraction An article from Jonathan McKee at “We are confident in our theology concerning sexuality. We are equally confident that how we’ve traditionally approached sexuality, and ministering to teenagers in all stages of their sexual identity, has been unintentionally hurtful, confusing, and alienating to a whole bunch of teenagers.”…

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1 min

FREEBIE: Easter-themed Fundraiser

Are you raising money for you next youth event? Or are you going on a mission trip experience this summer and need some help getting the last of the funds together? Easter is a great time to host a fundraiser for your youth group, and we have a silly Easter-themed idea especially for you!…

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3 mins

For Anyone Who’s Tired of Being Tired

Years ago, our youth director shared something that I still think is brilliant. She shared about the pain and fatigue any of us can feel in serving God through church: When someone is hurt by a church organization, it’s a special kind of pain…  there’s something deeper and kind of unique about the hurt that comes from realizing the imperfections of an organization that is supposed to be God’s representation on the earth.…

teenagers volunteering
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2 mins

Today’s Teens Crave Epic Leadership Opportunities

Yesterday my 16-year-old daughter Lucy and three of her friends completed a six-minute documentary exploring the worldwide human trafficking problem, then submitted it for a school assignment. They designed a full-color tri-fold brochure as a companion piece, and created a stress ball with the words “Enough” printed on it as a “sellable item.”…

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9 mins

Are You Too Poor for This Church?

The note my middle-school daughter brought home from her Sunday school class asked parents to help out with a fund-raiser for the poor. They wanted a $20 donation along with two pairs of gloves for needy children living overseas, the focus of the ministry’s Christmas outreach program.…

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2 mins

Your Students Have a Longing to Belong

I’ve been leading and influencing young people for a long time, both in a church setting and also as a public-school coach. And threaded through the thousands of conversations I’ve had with students is one overriding need—to belong to something bigger than themselves.…

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3 mins

FREEBIE: “Americans Protest, Pray After More Shootings” Discussion Starter

Americans Protest, Pray After More Shootings In the News Charlotte, N.C.—Racial tensions escalated this week after black men in two more U.S. cities were shot and killed by police officers. Reactions varied dramatically, however: Violent riots in Charlotte, North Carolina, led to a national emergency and curfew, while peaceful prayer vigils occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma.…

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