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Remind Teenagers of These 3 R’s

Even though you’re still knee-deep in post-holiday exhaustion, resist the temptation to put caring for teenagers on the back burner. Remember what this time of year represents for them: the halfway mark of the school year. Students are stressed out, overwhelmed, and tired of studying. After a semester of facing numerous academic, social, and spiritual challenges, they’re enjoying their long-awaited break and dreading its end point.

During this reboot time, you can empower and serve teenagers, communicating a message of hope and peace. [tweet_dis]Encourage kids to use their break, and their on-ramp into the second semester of school, for these 3 R’s: refueling, reflecting, and returning.[/tweet_dis]

Help your youth discover the value of placing Jesus at the center of everything. >>>

Here’s a sample message you can send as an email or letter:


Dear __________,

I’m sure the last few weeks of school were busy and stressful. And now you’re just starting to breathe a little at the tail end of your break. Know that I’m praying for you. I’m so glad you’re part of our church family!

I pray that during the last days of your break, and the first days of your return to school,  you’ll take time to…

RefuelSleep in a couple of times. Spend all day in your pajamas. Rest and have fun, but don’t overschedule yourself. Take time to do a few things that nourish your soul.

ReflectBefore bed and when you wake up, think about three things you’re thankful for. Then think about two people you want to extend Jesus’ love to through acts of kindness and love.

ReturnIf circumstances have pushed Jesus to the sidelines of your life lately, ask him to return to the center. He will! And recommit to return to him. Run to Jesus’ embrace and recognize his great love for you. Return to prayer, to God’s Word, and to your relationship with him.

I can’t wait to see you and to hear about your break. See you at church!



I hope this sample inspires you to write your own message. It will take just a few minutes but will have great impact. Teenagers can always use a reminder—especially during this busy time of year—that you love them and that Jesus loves them. Then take your own advice and find time to refuel, reflect, and return.

Remind Teenagers of These 3 R’s

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