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Recruiting Adult Volunteers for Your Mission Trip

Recruiting Adult Volunteers for Your Mission Trip

Adults are crucial to the success of the mission trip, in fact, it’s required. So, how do you get adults as excited about your mission experience? 

Here are some of our favorite tips for recruiting awesome adult volunteers:

Ask them individually – Pick out adults in your church or adults who are connected to your youth group who qualify to be leaders, and take them out for coffee or ice cream. Share the vision of your trip and the powerful, positive impact it can have on youth (and adults, too). There’s no better way to recruit a great team than to simply ask, one at a time.

Give them all the info – Share any brochures or handouts about the mission experience that you have. This helps to answer most of their questions and get them excited about the possibility of joining the team. 

Creative announcements – A well-crafted announcement by youth or a light-hearted skit during a church service can have a major, positive impact on potential adult leaders. Work with youth to create announcements, skits, and advertisements that briefly outline the need, but also show how much the they really appreciate the adults who’ll join them on the trip.

Let experience speak – Stories of life change inspire other adults to volunteer. Have previous adult leaders who’ve had a good mission experience share a brief “testimony” to let other adults know of the great benefits of volunteering. 

What have you found to be the best ways to recruit adult volunteers for mission trips? We would love to hear your brilliant ideas!

Thanks for loving students!

Involve yourself and your teenagers in Group’s upcoming camp experiences. Click here for more information, or you can call us at 800-385-4545. We’d love to talk!

Looking to partner with Group to bring a youth mission experience? We’re looking for volunteers, churches, and co-sponsors to join us all across North America for 2018, 2019, and beyond.

Recruiting Adult Volunteers for Your ...

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