We recently used “Made,” a sermon series by Kurt Johnston™©, in our Sunday morning program. It is a great teaching tool for any youth worker. This robust package (marketing tools, graphics, presentation slides, transcripts, etc.) is also complete in a way that a ministry leader can feel comfortable handing it to a volunteer and letting them run with it. If you want to buy it, let me hook you up with a 10% discount. Just click the “made” graphic to the right and then search “made” in the Simply Store.
We added a 4th week to this 3 week series by creating a prayer experience at the end. The experience was simple and powerful. Feel free to use, edit, or springboard off these elements and ideas. Here’s what we did:
There were 7 stations, each explained by these signs. You can print these out on legal paper, each page represents one station.
Items Needed:
- Signs for each station (download here)
- Paper people to cut-out (something like this, or draw your own and photocopy)
- Scissors (don’t forget those green handled ones for the left-handed kids)
- Board to display people cut-outs on (we have a metal wall and magnets, if you do not have that consider tape and a wall or a cork board and pins)
- Markers (for 3 different stations)
- Refrigerator letter magnets to spell “I WAS MADE TO“
- Play-Doh (We called it molding clay, it is less messy than clay)
- Cotton Wool (We just bought cotton, but if you can find real wool that would be good)
- Salt (We had about 100 students, so we asked a fast food restaurant if we could have a hundred salt packets)
- MADE Sign. For the series we had someone in our church create the word MADE from wood and hung it on stage for set design. We had sharpies at this station and asked all the students to sign a letter.
- Background Music (optional, here is our short playlist…took about 25 minutes to get all the students through)
- Scripture video loop. Download it here for FREE.
We asked our students to complete the walk in any order, but to stop at the Scripture video loop last. This had us end at the same place while keeping the other stations from being clogged.
Prayer Walk – Broadband from Brandon Early on Vimeo.
If you have any questions about the curriculum, the prayer walk, or the 10% discount just leaving a note in the comments.
Brandon Early