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Raise $5100 quickly and painlessly

Here is a quick and easy way to raise money for your youth ministry for missions or any other time you need to raise money. To begin you will need 100 plain envelopes. Take these envelopes and beginning with the first one you write $1 on the front. On the next envelope you will write $2 on the front, and so it goes all the way up to $100.

The next step is to make a presentation to the congregation, possibly when the youth are leading a service or having a part in a service. Start with the envelopes placed randomly around on the alter rail or what ever your church has. You promote your mission trip, event, need… to them and explain to them that you want everyone to have an opportunity to be a part of the trip and this is their opportunity. You then invite each person who believes in the youth of your church to come and take the envelope that the Lord lays on their heart and put that amount of money in the envelope. (Be sure to tell them not to let the amount on the envelopes limit what they give, the Lord may prompt them to give more.) Be sure to tell them that the $100 envelope is not on the alter because you believe in the youth more than anyone in your church and you have already taken that one.

If each envelope is filled with the exact amount you will have raised $5100 for whatever your need is. For larger churches this should be really easy, for smaller churches you may need only 50 envelopes and you will raise $2550. Maybe this will help someone who is trying to raise money for a good cause and keep them from having to spend hours and days of neck breaking labor to do it.

Raise $5100 quickly and painlessly

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