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Quick Tip: Open Chrome Tabs Across Devices


I had 10 webpages open in Google Chrome on my iPhone and another 7 on my iPad that I wanted to have open on my Mac. I was studying in too many locations and I needed to bring it all together. If it is one or two pages, I would typically email a link to myself. I could have done that or saved these URLs to my bookmarks in the cloud but I wanted something faster, and something I would not have to clean-up later.

With a quick google search I found that I can see any open tabs on any device. All I needed to do was have Google Chrome installed and running on each device and be signed into my Google account within each browser. This beats bookmarking or emails link after link to myself. If you are syncing on all devices, here’s how it works…

  • Open your Chrome browser on your computer, click the tabTHIING then click RECENT TABS > MORE to view all your synced devices and the tabs they have open.
  • Likewise, on your iOS or Android devices open your Chrome browser and look for this same button tabTHIING, click it and choose “Other Devices.” You should be able to see a list of all open tabs on your Mac and/or any other devices where you are signed in to Chrome browser.

If you need to sync, check out this short Google “how to.”


Quick Tip: Open Chrome Tabs Across De...

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