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Planning Youth Ministry Events: A Response

My guess is big event planning is either one of your favorite things to do or one of the parts of youth ministry you barely tolerate. For me, it is one of the things I put up with and just get through. Over my years of putting up with big events I have stumbled onto a few things that help me every time another one makes it onto my calendar.

Simple Ways to Organize EVERYTHING!

Don’t forget the most important detail of all
When it comes to big events, there are a ton of details to figure out. Reserving facilities, booking bands, managing volunteers, bribing the janitor, and a million other things you really don’t have time to think through. With all of these things to work out, don’t forget the most important detail of all; the Spiritual aspect of the event. I have left a few big events feeling like a successful event planner and a horrible Spiritual leader. Don’t get so lost in all the details that you forget to give God the focus He deserves.

Make sure you know your target
There is a big difference between a weekend discipleship retreat and a New Years Eve outreach event. If the purpose of the event is evangelism and outreach promote it that way. We literally announce it by telling our regular students “we want you there and we will have a blast but don’t come alone, you already know what the message is going to be.”

Don’t let the numbers get to you
Yes, I know, I know…numbers shouldn’t matter. But when it comes to special events they do matter. If you are signing a facility contract there is usually a minimum number you will pay for. Food for 15 is a lot different than food for 150. You need to have a target number to plan for or you could end up breaking the bank and/or convincing your church leadership you will never do a special event again. At the same time, if your target number doesn’t show up or even if you double that target number don’t let it dictate the success or failure of your event.

Simple Ways to Organize EVERYTHING!

Whether you love special events or just get through them they definitely have their place in the big picture of youth ministry. With a little bit of thought, following the advice you received this week, and a lot of prayer more of them can land in the “success” column than don’t.

Planning Youth Ministry Events: A Res...

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