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Planning a Big Youth Ministry Event

Most youth workers like events. We may have mixed emotions about their overall effectiveness, but they aren’t going away anytime soon….we simply won’t let them! And while we all like events, we aren’t all great at planning them from start to finish. As a result, many events are tossed together at the last minute, poorly run, with less than hoped-for results. But maybe there’s a better way. Here are three parts to a great event every youth worker should master:



Marketing / Promotion
This is the not-so-simple task of getting the word out. Flyers and handouts used to be the preferred method, and printed postcards still work with slides on the screen and mentions in the bulletin. Texting has become the preferred method of communication with students. The church/youth ministry website too, is an important part of the puzzle, especially with parents. Just make sure you get the word out early enough for students not to make other plans, but not too early as to be forgotten.

The Actual Event
This is where we typically do our best work. Everyone is “on” and ready to go, the energy level is high. You’ve worked hard to get students there, and they showed up. The night was great; everyone made it back in one piece and is now thoroughly exhausted. Whew! Of course, this only happens if you planned ahead and got the word out!

Post-Event / Follow-up
Most youth workers struggle here, and we’re no exception. When can we leave? Who gets the sexy job of cleaning up after the big mess we just made? Am I really going to have to stay late for that one kid whose mom always leaves the house to get him 45 minutes after everyone else has already left? Cleanup is a big deal. Having a team assembled for the post-event is crucial. Otherwise, you’ll be spending an extra hour or three finishing the night off right – or worse you’ll take shortcuts and pay for it politically in your church.



When you plan an event, remember there’s way more in play than just the event itself. You’ve got to work hard to get the word out to students and make sure there’s a plan in place to put everything back together, too. Don’t just pick an activity and a date – plan your event all of the way through!

Planning a Big Youth Ministry Event

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