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Peer-to-Peer Mentoring: Transformation


Three weeks ago, we began a conversation around peer-to-peer mentoring. Then, we talked about how to set it up. Now, we will look at the transformation stories surrounding it. Below are three accounts of mentoring, one from a principal, one from a peer mentor, and one from a mentee.


“The mentoring group at HHS has helped to change the culture at school…I have seen a huge decline in our student discipline referrals and an increase in student attendance as well as standardized testing. In the month of February we only had 7 discipline referrals in the entire school, compared to 49 three years ago in February. HHS finished last in our system with attendance in 2013. In the past three years, we have finished either first or second in our system. I take great pride in saying that the culture at HHS has changed for the better…I personally believe mentors class should be taught in every school across America. The Mentoring program has helped shape so many kids lives at HHS. ”
Mr. Jimmy Collins, Principal

“Being a mentor was an amazing experience for me. I learned that I was a bigger influence in my school than I thought, and that many of the underclassmen looked up to us seniors. In my group of freshmen, we were a very diverse group of kids, such as nerds, athletes, and almost any other stereotype you could think of for a high schooler. We talked about various topics, from being successful in and out of the classroom, to who we are as people, and the one that got plenty of laughs: sex. The main thing I shared with them was to always stay on the straight path and stick to your morals, but always keep God first, because He is the ultimate provider. I hope and pray that by being this group’s mentor, I changed their lives for the good as much as they did mine. I will always remember the special bonds that we formed together. My group will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope the influence I left on them will help them to be a positive force at our school and to the rest of the world.”
Jesse, 12th Grade Mentorguysgroup3

“When I was being mentored, my mentor was Jordan. He was always there for me, and he still is to this day. He has helped me with many problems. I told our group much of the stuff that has happened in my life, and I have learned a lot about their life. He and the group helped me get out of a relationship that was just about messing around. Ever since Jordan has been my mentor, we have become really close friends. We have hung out, and we talk regularly. It’s so easy to talk to him. I can tell him everything without hesitating or feeling awkward. Ever since I went through mentoring, I knew I would remember what I learned in my time with Jordan and the rest of our group, for the rest of my life.”
Tristan, 9th Grade Mentee

As you can see, peer-to-peer mentoring changes lives! The format our program provides creates a positive atmosphere where students can intentionally work through the issues of life together. We have built a culture where students want to go to school. Here’s the best part: we’ve replicated this program in over 50 different communities and settings all over the US!

The principal quoted above, Mr. Collins, welcomes questions and comments about the various aspects of hosting peer-to-peer mentoring. You can direct your questions to We are here to serve you as you serve students. At the end of the day, in the words of my friend and Chick-fil-A store owner, Randy Earnest, “It’s all about changing lives!”

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring: Transformation

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