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Mother’s Day Blitz

Blitz campaigns are meant to reach a target audience with a specific message in a short period of time yielding very direct results. A successful blitz will make you better known to your target audience. Timing also plays a big role in a successful blitz. If I want a specific audience to buy more toilet paper, a great day to reach that audience with messaging would be on world toilet day. By blitzing a target audience on and around world toilet day the desired result would be a spike in toilet paper sales.

Mother’s Day is a great time to do a youth ministry blitz campaign for moms. Why not take the opportunity to reach every mom in your youth ministry with the message that she is loved? Are there moms who don’t even know who you are? This is a great excuse to introduce yourself. Are there moms who have never had a conversation with you? Here’s your chance to connect with them in a meaningful way. So let’s lay this out…mother's day

Mother’s Day Blitz 2016

Target audience: Youth ministry moms.

Specific message: We love you, you’re appreciated, we’re always here for you, and we’re thinking about you this week.
Time frame:  The week of and week following Mother’s Day (if needed).
Campaign tools: Email, social media, and phone calls
Desired result: Make a connection with every mom in our youth ministry.

Next Steps:

  1. If you haven’t already, write an email that you will send before Mother’s Day to all moms of youth ministry. The subject could be, “Mom’s we love you!” In the body of the text stay away from making any youth ministry announcement. Use this as an opportunity to simply encourage moms.
  2. Schedule social media posts that honor moms before and on Mother’s Day.
  3. (This is my favorite step.) Call every one of them. Why? Because a phone call is way more personal and meaningful than just receiving an email. Even if you have to leave a message, that parent will know you reached out to them and that means a lot. Don’t be embarrassed if the conversation is short. Call very specifically to communicate the following, “Mother’s Day reminds me that I am surrounded by amazing moms who love their teens. I was thinking about you, I appreciate you, and I am always here for you.”mother's day

I’ve never done a blitz that didn’t yield surprising results. There’s the phone call that connects you to a parent you never thought you’d connect with. There’s the return email from a parent who is prompted to become more involved just because she heard from you. And there’s the mom who was encouraged just when she thought she didn’t have the strength to deal one more day.

Happy blitzing and Happy Mother’s Day!

– TLIVE Holiday new

Need a solid Bible lesson to use this Mother’s Day? Look no further than LIVE Holiday Curriculum. Includes Jesus-centered lessons perfect for holidays including Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day, and more. Buy it now here

Mother’s Day Blitz

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