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Maximize Momentum with Baptisms (part 3)

We will finish up the week with three more ideas to help your ministry maximize the momentum created by student baptisms:

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Baptisms are worth celebrating, no matter what the style or tradition of your church. Jesus defeated death! Clap, cheer, gather everyone to sing FRIDAY by Rebecca Black. OK, that’s a horrible singing idea… but you get the picture. Include the church body and surround the baptizing student with people of all ages. Baptism is a public commitment that can be enhanced when surrounded by the church community. Consider getting a small gift for each student who is baptized…even if it’s as simple as a short handwritten note.

Remember, baptism is just one step in the spiritual journey with Jesus. As youth workers, we believe in the spiritual growth process and know that there’s a lot more to follow in that teenager’s life. Put the baptism date on your calendar so you can follow up with some encouragement and prayer a month later and even a year (our track-record is that if it doesn’t make it onto the calendar, it usually doesn’t happen). Keep in mind their next spiritual step, which may be joining a small group or serving in a ministry team. If discipleship was a one-time event, it would be a lot easier.

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There is a lot of power in the story of a changed life! Personal stories have great impact and can become a tremendous blessing when shared with others. Baptism is a great opportunity to have students share their faith story. Help them articulate their life-change story so they can share it both at the time of baptism and any other time. They don’t need to memorize a formula, they only need to be intentional about discovering the important parts of their story.

Maximize Momentum with Baptisms (part 3)

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