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Make Your Own iPhone App

Have you been thinking about making your own iPhone app but did not know where to start?  A year ago I wrote on column in GROUP Magazine to help youth workers think through the idea of creating an app, you can read it here.
When it comes to apps, I have a few ideas. I think having an app would be useful for our ministry, but I don’t have the skill or the margin to begin. I do not usually like to make recommendations without testing the product but if you are thinking about app creation you should check out this Kickstarter. I have not experienced the class in action and I do not know Rick and Jenna…but the price of their product is good (this class will be $499 when it launches but is only $29 if you support the Kickstarter), and they have a unique energy that is persuading me to support their Kickstarter project.
If you are considering making your own iPhone app, or you have a youth ministry volunteer who is willing to learn, check out this video and support their project.

– Brandon / @iambrandonearly

Make Your Own iPhone App

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