Everybody likes guarantees, and in youth ministry there are few. But if you are hoping to stay involved in youth ministry in a local church setting for the long haul, I know the secret, the silver bullet…guaranteed:
I’ve been traveling the local church youth ministry road for over 26 years, and there have been all sorts of times that I could have exited; “off-ramps” that nobody would have argued if I would have taken. But I refused to exit. Because I’ve simply refused to take an off-ramp, I’m still on the road.
Some typical youth ministry off-ramps:
– Graduating college and need a full-time role. Nobody would blame you for that.
– Getting married and need to make more money. Nobody would blame you for that.
– About to have first child and need a job with more regular hours…
– Child #2 is on the way and my wife would like to work part-time…
– Being burned by the church…
– Feeling tired, on the edge of burnout…
– Being successful and loved by the church so a “promotion” is offered…
– Getting older and feeling a little out of touch…
– Realizing how much money your friends in non-church-based work make…
– Failing, being fired, or in someway becoming disqualified for a season…
– The opportunity arises to teach, write, or speak about YM full-time….
Why do men and women leave local church youth ministry? Because they take an off ramp. Nothing wrong with that.
Want to stay in youth ministry in a church setting for a long time? I can guarantee you a long youth ministry career in one simple step: