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Know your Weaknesses

“A good leader knows where he/she isn’t good.” That’s my quote—I’m sure someone else has said it, but I use it a lot.

We know we need to use our strengths in teaching, discipleship, training, recruiting, and so on, to allow our ministries to continue to be a place of health for students to encounter Jesus in a real way. But if our weaknesses have created a lack of health in our ministries we are leading, we need to be able to spot them.

I know my leadership weaknesses. I know that I need to find others who are gifted in my areas of weaknesses, to be able to serve and help our ministry. As the key leader, if I try to lead from places of weakness, I can harm the ministry and even stand in God’s way. Remember Saul and his moments of weakness as king of Israel…yeah I don’t want that to be me.

So how do you know where areas are weak or where you are weak?

1 If you are new to ministry this may be a frustrating road. Most people know their weaknesses from their strengths by practicing, practicing, practicing and then seeing results. However, it is true that your strengths will energize you and your weakness can drain or frustrate you. Use a blank white board and list out all you do in a day, week, and then a year. Evaluate what strengthens you and drains you. This may be a good place to start.

2 Ask yourself what is “missing” from your ministry. Is it healthy culture of evangelism, discipleship training, adult leader equipping or whatever else? If it is missing and it isn’t a passion of yours, then it might be a weakness. Many people push weakness areas of leading to the end of a “to-do” list instead of the forefront.

3 Be okay leading from where you are at and how you are wired. I quit trying to fix every weakness a long time ago and just wanted to lead from how I am wired For example: I can’t lead worship. For each ministry season or setting I have prayed and searched for someone who has a passion for worship. When I find them, I empower them to lead and allow our ministry to be healthier because I got out of the way.

I think finding or discovering your weaknesses can be enjoying because it can give you a sense of freedom of not trying to be the leader you aren’t. It also allows you to share the load of ministry with others, while seeing health come to the lives of students through your ministry setting!

Know your Weaknesses

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