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Know Your Purpose

Did you know that you are preserved for a purpose?

What does purpose mean?
To intend or plan
The object for which something exists or is done.

What does being preserved mean?
To protect from harm & damage
To keep from spoiling
To prepare for future use

Ps. 32:7 – 8 says,
“You are my hiding place: You shall preserve me from trouble;
You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.”

Many of us have experienced close-calls. Situations that God has protected you from and He didn’t allow you to die, or to get caught up. Why? Because He is protecting you and has some plans that He intends to do through your life like our boy, Moses.

Moses, an infant Hebrew boy, was delivered from Pharaoh’s crazy ploy to kill all of the Hebrew boys in Exodus 1 –2 . But God preserved Moses’ life. He allowed Pharaoh’s daughter to find Moses along the riverside. God touched Pharaoh’s daughters heart and gave her compassion to spare Moses’ life and Pharaoh’s daughter adopted Moses .

Moses grew up to be a great leader of the children of Israel for the Lord. With God’s hand upon him, Moses led the children of Israel into a great deliverance from slavery and bondage. Here’s a man that at infancy was almost killed and later adopted and raised in a foreign environment. Why? Because God preserved Moses’ life. God called Moses for his purpose just as God has called you. It’s time for you to begin to pray like never before, “God what is my purpose?, Why am I here on this earth?”

Your life is not an accident. Whether you’re adopted, don’t know your father, feeling hopeless, been rejected, lost close friends, or just saw some things that have rocked your world.

Know that God wants to use your life for His glory!!!!
Seek him, pray, fast, study scripture. Ask Him to speak to your heart and let the Word of God come alive! We promise you. Your life will never be the same.

Know Your Purpose

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