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(Podcast) Jesus Was a Party Animal

Season 2, Episode 29: Jesus Was a Party Animal

Have you ever noticed how many stories about Jesus in the Bible start out with him on his way to a party somewhere? It’s a subtle thing, usually the kind of detail you skip right over while reading the story. Why do you think Jesus was always being invited to parties? Join us this week as we ZOOM in with special guest Jay Pathak at the Jesus Gathering and pay attention to the radical way Jesus participated in relationships.

Experience a little slice of our time at the Simply Jesus Gathering this week. Rick sat down with Jay at the gathering in the mountains to chat about everything Jesus. Be sure to watch for next year’s dates, and don’t miss this opportunity to experience real Jesus and real relationships.

And is it time for you to join the Pigs? Are you ready to go all-in with Jesus? Ready to live a life that is “free indeed,” because you’re wholly dependent on Jesus? Are you ready to slow down and wallow in the mud-puddle stories of Jesus? Join the Pigs. We’ll invite you into exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, give you opportunities to make your voice matter, pray for you, and connect you to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group.

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(Podcast) Jesus Was a Party Animal

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