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It Is OK Not to be Good At Things

No matter how good you are … you can’t be good at everything. In fact, we’ll take it one step further – you AREN’T good at everything. OK, last step we promise: You’re actually really bad at quite a few things.

What if we told you that God had people in your church who love what you loathe? What if we told you that someone in your ministry is incredible at something you are terrible at? Here are some ways to help find success in some of the areas you typically only find failure:

***FREE Music from Tim Timmons***

Make a list of stuff you love
This should be easy! Out of your primary responsibilities, think about what fuels you, brings you joy, or you love to do battle with. In a perfect world, this would make up about 70% of your primary job description.

Make a list of stuff you don’t love
This should be easy, too! These are the things that drain you, the stuff that makes you want to quit youth ministry…the tasks that make you want to stay in bed when you know they are looming. You won’t be able to get rid of them all, but you should be able to keep them from taking up the majority of your time.

Find people who love what you don’t
Put out the call in your normal networks (parents, current volunteers, etc) and see who possesses that elusive skill set you long for. The mom who would enjoy helping you with expense reports, the dad who loves to make detailed lists, the senior adult who enjoys calling the pizza shop to haggle for the best price on 12 large pies. Trust us…these sort of people truly do exist!

Give it away
Giving away stuff you stink at or loathe is easy. But be careful in your eagerness to relieve some of the pressure you don’t set them up to fail. If you want to win in this, spend time making sure your new teammates are set up to win, fully informed and have access to you for help when they get stuck.

***FREE Music from Tim Timmons***

Say “Thank You”…..a lot
Love the people who love doing things you don’t love. Love them with gifts, cards, side hugs (that was for Kurt, who hates front hugs), chocolate, a trip to Hawaii…Whatever it takes!

Final thought: Effective delegating isn’t just about giving away stuff you don’t like –Tomorrow we’ll be back with another thought on the subject.

It Is OK Not to be Good At Things

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