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Is It Worth It? (Bose, iPad, Apple Watch)

When we look at the investment of cash in some tech items, we have to determine whether or not they’re worth the cost. I have purchased a lot of things that turned out to be worth it, but I have also invested in a lot of JUNK. This post is not a major review of the following items, just my opinion on the value of my purchases.

iStock_000058593352_LargeBose QuietComfort 25 Headphones
If you work in a public place and you fly a few times a year, a great pair of headphones will change your life (they probably won’t change your life). The QC25s are the best pair of headphones I’ve ever had. If you have the margin and are looking for a great pair of headphones you might want to check out these QC25s or the new QC35s. WORTH IT!

The first 30 days with my iPad were full of ups and downs. One minute I thought, “This thing is AMAZING!” The next I would say, “I don’t know how I would use this in ministry!” After finding a few key apps for ministry (PDF readers, Evernote, Bible, Dropbox, OmniFocus), my iPad has become an outstanding tool. But know what you NEED before you buy. If you are pushing its power, then maybe the latest version is what you need. If you are simply browsing the web and taking notes, and reading books, you can get an older version and save some cash. Check out this post on “What Can I Do With My Old iPad?”  WORTH IT!

iStock_000064056027_LargeApple Watch
I am in meetings a lot and I hate to be “that guy” who is constantly checking his phone for messages (I guess I could stop being a slave to my phone…but that’s crazy talk). I searched Craigslist for several weeks until I found an Apple watch at a price I was willing to pay. The watch is OK. It is not amazing. For me, the bottom line is that the Apple watch is a very expensive notification accessory. If you want to pay hundreds of dollars for a watch that you have to charge every 15-20 hours, and you really need your notifications on your wrist, buy it. Otherwise wait.  NOT WORTH IT!

Is It Worth It? (Bose, iPad, Apple Wa...

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