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Ideas For Christmas Youth Group Night

Every year Christmas rolls around and we are always thinking about what we should do. And what normally comes to mind is the same formula most churches in America takes. Christmas songs and a Christmas message. Of course, we have to throw a Christmas themed game in the mix. It wouldn’t be youth group without it. ha

Well, a few years back we decided to think different about Christmas. We thought since students would get the chance to go to Christmas service with their parents we should get creative and do something different. So we decided to come up with ideas and do something we’ve never done before. here are a few:

Christmas Play: We thought about writing a Christmas play for us to do. So instead of having a regular service during youth group we would have the play only.

Serve Projects: <Story of the Good Samaritan>

  • Food pantry and Homeless shelters run at a very high attendance level during the holidays. Those are great places to serve.
  • Adopting a family or families for Christmas is a great idea for your youth group. Instead of having a normal service you can touch on families in need.
  • Care packages for the homeless. Create them during your service and pray over them.
  • Toy drive for the local homeless shelter.

Musical Extravaganza:  This is where you get your students and their friends who can sing or play an instrument to participate. Whether you have singing, instrumental, rappers, spoken word and/or dance. The idea is to have students invite friends to see and even be a part of it.

Message/skit: You can have students reenact parts of your message dealing with the birth of Jesus as you give your message.

Community Christmas party: This could be a great way to reach out to the community.

Well, the last three years we’ve done two plays and a musical extravaganza and we’ve had a blast every year. It’s fun to see students inviting friends and family to come and watch them perform. Giving students the opportunity to reach their friends and family for Jesus has been the most rewarding. What are some of the things you’ve done during  the Christmas season?

Hope it helps,



Ideas For Christmas Youth Group Night

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