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how to plan for the fall…without over thinking it (part 2)

Planning can enhance your ministry and extend your impact.

Even if we manage to carve out some think-time, the actual planning portion is STILL TOUGH! It can be difficult to know where to start. What should change? What stays the same? Fresh ideas are a struggle.

There is no “one way” to plan successfully, but we have identified SEVEN QUESTIONS to help supercharge your planning. We covered the first three yesterday, and are finishing up today:

The PEOPLE question: Do I need to have a serious conversation with anyone?
 Unfortunately, planning requires an evaluation of people. Ministry is relational and rela

tionships are messy.Think thru the people-work: unresolved conflict, encouragement for under-appreciated leaders, and guidance for marginal leaders.

The LEGACY question: Who am I pouring into right now and what is their next step?
In the epistles, the Apostle Paul paints a beautiful picture of his relationship with Timothy—it’s one to learn from and implement. Leaders invest into other leaders. Plan to intentionally focus on a few and develop them.

The BODY question: How is out ministry fitting in with the rest of the church?
No youth ministry is an island and it’s important to evaluate how you’re connecting with the rest of the church. An isolated ministry will soon face a disaster. It’s a good idea to ask those outside your youth ministry for their perception of this question.

The IMPERATIVE question: What MUST BE DONE in the first 100 days after summer?
Once you’ve got a glimpse of the big-picture, it’s time to get translate your ideas into a solid action plan. This is where the fun begins! Put key dates and action items on the calendar.

Planning takes a lot of work, but the future results will be well worth your time now.





how to plan for the fall…withou...

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