Youth Trip Volunteers, I hope this catches you before you head out.
Youth Group Travel Season has begun across America. For a small church, a summer youth trip is a BIG deal for everyone. Everyone pitches in with fundraisers and scholarship. Tools and coolers were gathered from far and wide. Since there’s no church bus, luggage rack rentals abound…and you’re off.
I’m right there with ya. I’ve already got one trip down and three more mission trips to go myself. One summer, I? had 6 trips in a 10 week season. (Don’t do that, btw.) About 5 years ago, I did 5 mission trips in one summer. (Don’t do that, either.)
Here are my best “Youth Trip Volunteer” tips for maximixing and minimizing your efforts while on your? trip:
1) If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Grow up.
2) Just like parenting, the adults have to align together.
3) Give the youth leader a break. He/she is just as tired as you are.
4) Enforce the Lights Out rule. A tired team is a useless team.
5) Sleep across the doorway. Trust me on this one.
6) If you loan money, you won’t get it back.
7) Don’t be a “freak-out” adult!
8) Don’t expect kids to do what you’re not doing. So…sit with them, sing, do the motions, buckle up, throw away garbage, have quiet time, keep to the schedule, don’t gossip, obey the trip guidelines, put away the cigs, etc.
9) Dress appropriately.
10) PRAY!!!!!!!
Anyone have? any more to add?
Involve yourself and your teenagers in Group’s upcoming camp experiences. Click here for more information, or you can call us at 800-385-4545. We’d love to talk!
Looking to partner with Group to bring a youth mission experience? We’re looking for volunteers, churches, and co-sponsors to join us all across North America for 2018, 2019, and beyond.