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how thankfulness changes our hearts (p.1)

For those of us in America, this is the week where we will devour massive amounts of food in the name of thankfulness.

It’s easy to get caught up and distracted by planning, house cleaning, stressful travel, football games, overeating, avoiding certain family members, and shopping–all while pretending to enjoy Aunt Gurdy’s plumb-custard-quiche-ala-nasty.

SALE: One Minute Bible
Help your students get a taste of God’s Word with this incredible Bible with 363
devotions by Doug Fields. (Also includes 2 devotions by Matt McGill.)


This week, we’re going to explore EIGHT WAYS thankfulness and gratitude can transform our heart from the inside out. Use these for your own edification or re-teach them to your teenagers.

It’s easy to complain and point out problems, no one ever grumbles their way into a better attitude. Fortunately thankfulness can shift our focus to the blessings we’ve received from God. No matter how bad things get, in Jesus there is always reason to be thankful. It’s our responsibility to receive God’s gift and thank him.

Every blessing in our lives is a gift from God and not something we could have created or earned on our own. Everything belongs to God, and the only way we “have” something is because of his generosity. Because of the numerous blessings received, it’s easy for a feeling of entitlement to slowly creep into our lives and darken our hearts. Thankfulness turns on the light and recognizes God as the provider for our needs.

Gratitude recognizes the past work of God in our lives. When we remember God’s faithfulness, we position our hearts to trust him to provide for our future. God has given us everything we’ve needed, and he will continue to give us what we need. Developing the habit of being thankful also creates the capacity to trust God during the lean times.

SALE: One Minute Bible
Help your students get a taste of God’s Word with this incredible Bible with 363
devotions by Doug Fields. (Also includes 2 devotions by Matt McGill.)


There’s a lot of pain in this world and sometimes the ugliness is overwhelming and overpowering. Thankfulness doesn’t deny the evil, but it does open the door for joy to enter the scene. Lasting joy is a promise the world makes but can’t deliver, but when we remain in Christ, his joy is a gift for every believer.

how thankfulness changes our hearts (...

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