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how do you respond to criticism? (part 3)

If your critic is a parent in your ministry, please don’t judge their kids for their parents’ actions. That’s not fair for the teenager. It won’t do you any good, and it definitely won’t help the student. If you act out impulsively, you may feel good for a moment, but you’ll also be planting a seed of bitterness in your own heart. Vengeance and church leadership don’t mix too well.

How to send your students off to college the right way

When I (Matt) was in high school, my dad once called my youth pastor (Doug) to complain. It was late at night (past midnight) and his complaint was 100% irrational (Doug was actually gracious to not berate my dad and take it out on me). If Doug would have treated me differently … well, we probably wouldn’t be working together 20+ years later (and writing these emails)!

The week after I got the email from the Hungry Dad, his daughter was in my baptism class. My first thought was, “Tell your dad I’ll bring him a hotdog to the baptism.” The idea quickly left as I remembered how kind Doug had been to me in high school (and beyond) in light of my dad being a loud critic.

How to send your students off to college the right way

Every leader faces criticism, it will be a natural part of life on this side of eternity. The challenge is to learn how to parlay the criticism into growth and health for you and the ministry.

how do you respond to criticism? (par...

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