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Helping Each Student Feel Special During the Holidays

December is busy. The entire church schedule goes bonkers with Cantatas, kids musicals, and youth group gift exchanges. Your youth ministry cup will runneth over and before you know it, it’ll be 2016! Why not stop and use this special month and Advent season to notice who is missing? That’s right. Right in the smack-dab busiest time of church and youth ministry life, take the opportunity to reconnect with and encourage students you haven’t seen in awhile or just haven’t really had time to talk to recently. Stop to write them a note like the one below that I am going to send to Sammy.

Dear Sammy,

The holidays always make me think about the people I care about, my family, my friends, and that includes you. I am thankful for each person God has placed close to my heart. And I’m thankful that Christ came to earth for all of us. ALL OF US! Christ love for us is the coolest and most wonderful thing we have in common.

I’m so glad you are part of my church family. I just wanted you to know that you mean a ton to me and to our youth group. December is a crazy time of year. Our schedules will be scattered and things will seem super busy. If you see me at church or at youth group come and say hey to me okay, even if I look busy and am running around the church. Stop me. And always feel free to reach out to me.

You’re awesome. I’m praying that you have a meaningful Christmas.

Hope to see you soon. -T

Our youth group kids are part of our church family. And just like our families at home, we can get so busy during the holidays that we forget to stop and express our love and appreciation to those God has placed in our lives. Our students will also be busy during this time of year. We may not see them as much as we usually do. This is why it is important that we hold a place in our heart for speaking to our students as individuals, not relying on them being in the large group, but recognizing them as individuals loved by God and not easily forgotten when they don’t attend our program.

We spend all week preparing programs and lessons that address our students as a group: let’s also remember the power of a loving and encouraging word shared with students as individuals. Write words of life or speak words of life to individual students whenever you have the opportunity this December.

I recently watched this video of a teacher who starts the day off complementing each student in his class. This is so inspirational. He’s speaking words of life to them, looking them in the eye as individuals, before he addresses them as a group. This communicates so much worth to a student.

Thank you so much for loving students. I pray during this Advent season that God will give you divine appointments. When he does, speak words of love and truth that come from the heart of our loving heavenly father.


Helping Each Student Feel Special Dur...

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