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Graduation Sunday: No New Ideas

Our graduation Sunday is quickly approaching. We have a celebration Sunday in our high school ministry and we want to make it great. Here are a few ideas that you are free to use…I did!

ashley_senior_map-600x591The Board:
I’m not looking for new ideas, I’m looking for great ideas. This year I am doing a “College Destinations” board. I saw it here on our blog a few years ago. It is currently in process, so I don’t have a picture to show you…but it’s shaping up to be a great addition to our “Graduation Sunday”.

Graduation Gift Set - Physical

The Gift:
I still have the Bible that was gifted to me by my church when I graduated. It is a great gift, but I have found that most students here have a Bible…probably 3 or more. Instead, we buy the Graduation Bundle from SYM. Practical and affordable…and if they need a Bible, we just give them one. Click here to check out your options.

The Celebration:
We host a continental brunch (breakfasty/pastry snack foods) for all our students and the families of our senior class. This does cost us a little but you could keep the cost down by asking underclassmen (their parents) to bring the food.

The Visuals:
I open the celebration with a premade/purchased graduation video. Here are a few to preview. Later in the program we will show a second video, a slideshow that we create with Animoto of our seniors. The senior slideshow is made up of pictures of our seniors. We ask them to provide 3 photos; a baby, late elementary or junior high, and a senior photo. Each student gets a few seconds of screen time with their photos, name, and school they are graduating from. We also ask them to fill out a questionnaire; future goals, college, career, dreams, etc. and make a small booklet we give out to all attendees. Nothing super fancy, we make it in Microsoft Publisher and print it in house.

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The Message:
I give a graduation message each year. Short and sweet, heartfelt and personal, super practical and Jesus-centered. After the message I call seniors up one at a time, the student walks up, I hug them or shake hands, hand them a gift and they head back to their seat.

The Agenda:
Here is a sample of our agenda, it changes from year to year…
• Hangout, Eat Food, Linger, Look at College Destination Board
• Graduation Video Opener
• Welcome
• Message
• Calling Up Graduates, give gifts
• Senior Slideshow Video
• Closing Prayer

None of these ideas are new, in fact I believe I took these ideas from other youth workers and I hope you can find one or two to use this year. Are you doing anything unique for your graduation service? Please share in the comments.

Graduation Sunday: No New Ideas

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