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(Podcast) Finding a Baggage-Free Life With Jesus

Season 2, Episode 34: Finding a Baggage-Free Life With Jesus

We all have baggage. Whether it’s wounds caused by a friend or family member, or scars still healing from church, this baggage can become a heavy burden to lug around.

Heavy, that is, until we let a friend carry it for us.

Join Rick and Becky with special guest Andrea Syverson—author of the brand-new book Alter Girl: Walking Away From Religion Into the Heart of Faith—as they celebrate this helpful friend. Of course, his name is Jesus.

From growing up Catholic to marrying a Protestant, to attending and then leaving multiple churches (for different reasons), Andrea discusses the seasons in her life that have ultimately led to a baggage-free relationship with Jesus. Her story will draw you in with its honest look at how we do “church” today, and how Jesus is the simple answer we can come back to again and again. Start listening now.

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Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

(Podcast) Finding a Baggage-Free Life...

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