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FREEBIE: Video Testimony on Homosexuality and Christian Faith + Useful Discussion Guide

Film Testimony on Homosexuality and Christianity

Earlier this month, a video testimony was released online featuring my friend Colby Adams. The film project, called ‘Hear Me,’ was recorded by a few Moody college students, where Colby also attends. The piece centers around Colby’s journey with same-sex attractions, and his struggle with finding acceptance within the church. It is a powerful short story that deals honestly with homosexuality and Christianity.

Watch it here:

This is a great resource to share with your students, and can be used on a Wednesday night, during Sunday school, or in a small group setting. Below is a discussion guide I wrote to go along with the film.





Thanks for loving all students!

Shawn / @611pulse

For more practical help regarding this topic, check out my book, “Ministering to Gay Teenagers.”

FREEBIE: Video Testimony on Homosexua...

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