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equipping new believers
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Equipping New Believers

“Heads bowed, eyes closed… but THEN what??”

I clearly remember the adrenaline infusion the first time I got to help someone invite Jesus to start leading their life. His name was Aaron, and he was a high school freshman who I knew pretty well. He told me that he “wanted to become a Christian,” but didn’t know how. We prayed together, his heart was so authentic before God, and he really did begin a New Life with Jesus that night! But on my way home I remember thinking, “NOW how do I help him take the first steps in this great new adventure?”

Since then, I’ve had other opportunities to challenge students to take that same step. Same adrenaline rush! Sometimes at a camp or retreat, sometimes in a one-on-one conversation. And every time I’ve experienced the THRILL of watching a teenager step into a new life, I’ve WISHED I had some kind of road-map I could hand to them to help them get started. I realize there’s no “Secret Handbook to Christianity.” And there’s nothing better to read than the Bible! But… it can all be so confusing.
I asked literally hundreds of youth workers if they knew of any resource they’d recommend – some kind of a “guide for new believers?” But nobody did. And so… I decided to write one! I’ve New Life with Jesuswritten only a handful of youth ministry resources, and I feel best about the ones that I can’t wait to use in my own student ministry! And that’s what The Essential Guide to My New Life with Jesus is all about.

I think in youth ministry we sometimes get enamored with “The Hand-Raise Moment,” don’t we? But I’m more and more convinced that what happens in the days afterwards is super-crucial!

I’ll be bringing a bunch of these guides to our summer camp this June…the kind of thing I wish I had to hand to Aaron all those years ago. Who knows – maybe there’s a student or two in your ministry who’d find it helpful, too. Bring on Summer Camp Season!

Click Here or click the image to the right to order your copies of The Essential Guide to My New Life with Jesus!

Plus, you can watch this interview with Rick Lawrence and myself as we chat about getting ready for equipping new believers this summer.

Thanks for loving students,

-Scott / @Scott_Rubin


Equipping New Believers

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