I recently did a live Periscope broadcast on two easy, DIY youth ministry games: paint slides and Gaga Ball pits. If you missed it, watch it below:
Paint Slide Needs:
• Construction Grade Plastic ($75 at Lowes…we bought a large quantity.)
• Paint (We asked students to each bring a 16 ounce bottle.)
• Landscape Anchor Staples
• Dish Soap (Save $$ and get this from the dollar store)
• Hose, sprinkler, and water faucet
• Link to original post
Gagaball Pit Needs:
A friend sent me these instructions. The measurements were a little off in the instructions, but other than that these were great. I created a template from cereal boxes similar to these.
Thanks Mikael Heck and David Siegrist for helping me create pretty cool games for my students.
– Brandon / @iambrandonearly
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