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As my predecessor was preparing to vacate his position, I sat down with my head pastor. In doing so he expressed discontent with certain things that were nonexistent within the youth ministry program at that time.
I wondered silently why these issues were never discussed with that youth minister, but my musings never made it aloud.

About a month later as I was preparing to take over the position of youth leader, I considered the part-time nature of my role as youth minister and requested expectations of me from the elder board that could be laid out; none of any serious consequence were.

Eight months later I find myself in a precarious position; my head pastor seems to have expectations of me that I don’t know about, and when I fail to fulfill them I perceive a response I can only define as annoyance or aggravation.

In seeking wisdom relevant to my current situation, I found a wealth of information dealing with the ways in which God communicates with us via His Holy Word, and quite a hefty amount of research concerning communication between a husband and a wife.

However I was surprised to find a dearth of information illuminating the intricacies of simple, basic interpersonal communication.

I cannot underscore enough how crucial it is to have open and honest communication within ministry. A breakdown in communication prevents all parties involved from sharing the same vision, desires, and expectations.
In the absence of God honoring and God glorifying communication, the Enemy has the chance to whisper lies and deceit.

Christ calls us to unity (John 17:11), and this unity will never be as strong as it can be if we refrain from open, honest, and clear communication with one-another.

Dr. Gary Chapman help us now! What we need is the Five Love Languages for the Church!

Ok maybe that isn’t a reality any time soon, but in the meanwhile my prayer is that the church be sanctified through the ability to communicate clearly with one another. Forget sharing the gospel with my neighbor across the street, I can’t get there if I can barely communicate with my neighbor in the pew in front of me!
May we be blessedly in-tune with the Holy Spirit’s leading and guidance in our hearts and may the will and the way always be revealed to us as we seek to communicate clearly with our co-ministers in God’s kingdom.
For His greater Glory, always and forever AMEN.


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