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1 min

Jenga Anyone?

Sure, it’s no Play Station 3. And no, you can’t get your cardio in like you would with a Nintendo Wii game system. But by far, few games are more entertaining than Jenga. Yes, I said Jenga. May seem a little old school, but after reading this, I guarantee you’ll be cleaning out that youth ministry storage closet looking for it.…

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4 mins

Unlocking the Heart of a Student for Service

When students are exposed to realities of this world – injustice, poverty, AIDS, slavery, and lack of clean water – they have a greater desire to serve and take risks for God. When the reality of this world collides with the fake financial security of their lives, they stand at a crossroads and ask themselves: “What is God doing in this world and what part do I play in it?”…

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2 mins

What I Wish I Knew About Senior Pastors…..

What I Wish I Knew About Senior Pastors…..Before I Started Youth Ministry When I began, over 20 years ago, in my current ministry, my senior pastor said, “We don’t care about numbers. All we want is a quality program.” But as I went about building a numbers-ignoring “quality program,” it wasn’t long before my boss started hearing complaints: “The kids just aren’t coming.”…

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3 mins

The Need for Integrity

Last summer I painted several rooms in our house. The job took much longer than I had hoped or expected (doesn’t it always?!?). Even though I’m a perfectionist when it comes to painting, my desire to just get done and get back to life led to a temptation to compromise my usual standards of neatness.…

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2 mins

Teaching Healthy Sexuality to Your Kids

Scott and Anne came into my office for pre-marital counseling. They had both been in my youth group in a previous season of life. During one of the sessions we talked about sexuality. Both Scott and Anne were virgins and I must admit I was surprised because that is usually not the case today, even among Christian young people.…

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