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How to Share Your Faith Using Season Seven of 24

Jack Bauer, of Fox TV’s 24 fame, has an uncanny ability to bounce back. In this season of 24, we find a disillusioned and disenfranchised Bauer facing possible indictment for his past “unorthodox information extraction techniques.” Unexpectedly, Bauer finds himself being escorted from his Senate hearing interrogation into the inner workings of the FBI and reluctantly thrust back into the latest national security crisis.…

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2 mins

It’s all about the moment

It’s a moment that challenges us all. Whether you’re new to youth ministry or a veteran. It’s the moment you begin a new ministry. We’ve heard it said, preached and taught that the relationships we build with our students is more important than the programs we develop.…

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3 mins

Jesus and the MythBusters

Have you checked MythBusters out? If not, MythBusters is a show on Discovery Channel that basically tackles urban legends, internet rumors, movie scenes and the like with the scientific method to test their validity. One of my favorites was Shark Week, when they answered critical questions like: Can sharks detect a struggling fish?…

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8 mins

Lesson Learned – Do you trust me?

Lesson Learned “Do you trust me?” By: Brent Carl Man it seems like lately God is just nailing me with thoughts, and concepts through the tunes in my mp3 player. He does that some times, I think it’s a cool variation that He uses to get my attention with something He has for me to ponder and pray about.…

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3 mins

The Spirit

I believe that in order to have a pure experience with a movie, you have to go in completely unbiased. You should have absolutely no expectations whatsoever. No preconceived notions of what the movie should (or shouldn’t) be. Of course this is tough to do in today’s information saturated age, especially if you’re a fan of movies and other form of entertainment.…

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2 mins

The Reward of Patience

I suffered with it. I’ll admit it. Most youth workers do…or at least most that I know. Not real sure how I got it though. I think it’s just part of our society. The “bigger is better” mentality. I was only 5 years into youth ministry and I had already bought into the notion that my “goal” was to grow the biggest, flashiest youth ministry in town.…

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