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Teaching Your Students the Purity Code

In honor of God, my family, and my future spouse, I commit my life to sexual purity.

This involves:

– Honoring God with your body
– Renewing your mind for good
– Turning your eyes from worthless things
– Guarding your heart above all else

What if a million students committed their lives to the Purity Code? What if a majority of kids in your youth group did? Personally, I think it could radically change the way students do relationships and, this may seem incredibly idealistic, but save an amazing amount of couples from carrying excess baggage into their marriages.

All studies show that the more positive, value-centered sex education kids receive, the less promiscuous they will become. Youth workers and even parents are doing a better job but the results still aren’t that impressive. We can definitely be more effective in communicating healthy, God-honoring sexuality.

Here are two things we can do:

1. Give Your Students a “Theology of Healthy Sexuality”

Far too many adolescents view sex as unspiritual. They are told not to do it because it is dirty, ugly and sinful without the benefit of ever understanding that God created our sexuality. In the context of a loving marriage relationship, sex is beautiful and God-ordained. I’m convinced that people make healthy sexual decisions more often when based on a spiritual component, rather than just refraining physically. We need to teach our students what the Bible does say about sexuality. (Genesis 1:26, 31; Exodus 20:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Matthew 19:4-6 and 1 Corinthians 6:18-20)

2. Help Students Set Standards

Too many students make sexual decisions based on 1) the pressure to conform; 2) their emotional involvement that exceeds their maturity level; and 3) lack of value-centered sex education. With this in mind, we can help young people make healthy decisions and create healthy boundaries regarding issues like modesty, how far is too far, media, pornography and much more. We can’t do it by just telling them it’s all bad. Rather, students learn best when they talk, not us. We have to listen, dialog and then give them standards to fit with the Biblical worldview.

Dr. James Dobson wrote the book Preparing for Adolescents in 1984. It was the book we used with our kids. I reread it this summer and frankly, he did a great job for 1984. Back then we didn’t have issues like internet pornography, HIV, or the increase of dealing with “friends with benefits.” Today’s youth workers and parents must speak to the relevant issues of the day and help steer kids’ minds and hearts toward the Purity Code. I love the scripture in Proverbs, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”

Jim is willing to take on your questions and dialog on this subject by writing him at

Bio on Jim

Jim Burns new claim to fame is that he was Doug Fields youth pastor. He is the author of The Purity Code, Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality, Accept Nothing Less: God’s Best For Your Body, Mind and Heart and a bunch of other books. He is also the President of HomeWord and has a daily radio broadcast.

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Teaching Your Students the Purity Code

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