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If it Makes You Happy…

When Starbucks executives overextended their brand, planting what seems like a store on every block, it quickly became okay to start savaging Seattle’s caffeine gods. Likewise, after centuries of “extending our brand” into a “Christian nation,” it’s now totally acceptable to proclaim yourself a “hater of religion” in the U.S.…

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1 min

Some Thoughts on Developing a Philosophy Ministry

There are three main areas to keep in mind as you develop a POM: 1) Vision/Mission Statement – should work in conjunction with the church’s overall statement. To often youth ministries try to become a church within the church (not intentional), but by coming up with some grandiose POM that does not work along side with the overall vision and discipleship process of the church body.…

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Taking Prayer Seriously

This weekend I got to watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. A crazy Russian lady wants to control the minds of 1950s Western society and turn them into communists without anyone even knowing its happening. Classic Indiana Jones, am I right?…

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2 mins

Now vs Next

One of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies involves two cars. One, shiny and red, says to the other, “ka-chow,” or something flashy. While the other, more subdued yet just as sharp shows him the breathtaking (and “ka-chow” inducing) view sitting below the well traversed highway.…

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Blogging the Conference

So I’m here in Columbus, at NYMC 2009, and I had the privilege to hang out with Braddigan last night. They’re an incredibly humble bunch of guys. Brad has gone form selling out Madison Square Garden three nights in a row, to playing at a trash dump in Guatemala.…

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2 mins

The Haircut Curse

For a while, my sister-in-law believed that I was cursed. And I began to fear that she was right. Not once. Not twice. But six times, I went home from the barbershop with a complete hack job for a haircut. It got so bad that my family would try and talk me out of getting a haircut before any major youth event, for fear I’d have to wear a hat while preaching in the sanctuary.…

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