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I <3 my small group (part 2)

Leading a small group of teenagers can be rough: It’s impossible to be “on” week after week and not hit some kind of a roadblock: • Our teaching can feel flat • Our personal lives can become too overwhelming • None of our students seem to “get it” Of course there are other roadblocks…these were just a few.…

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I <3 my small group (part 1)

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Mt 22:37–38) We know you’ve read and heard this passage many times.…

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Two keys to leading a small group

This week, when we refer to a small group, we’re not talking about the size of your overall youth ministry. We’re referring to the few teenagers that have been entrusted to your care (assuming some have). When an adult leader shepherds/guides/coaches/leads/etc… a small group of teenagers…that’s great youth ministry!…

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a leader in crisis: I need to confront

You’ve been there: you need to initiate a confrontation and you feel like you’ve swallowed an anchor. Every leader will face confrontation because it’s impossible to please everyone and your decisions will be ticking people off. No one is perfect, and your leadership will lead to mistakes and misunderstandings.…

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a leader in crisis

If there’s anything we’ve learned as leaders is that being a leader isn’t easy. Usually, the most difficult part of leadership is the inner battles. Within a divided heart, internal conflicts can wage a terrible war. When the war is finally won, there still remains unsettling causalities.…

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