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We hear them all the time. We hear them in our cars, at retail stores, or possibly in the event of a tornado. Sometimes, we may even ignore them; specifically, in the morning hours as we hit a large button named “Snooze.” Alarms are part of our life. They warn us, keep us aware of what’s going on behind the scenes, and annoy us for our own good. As I write this, our house alarm is going off every 30 minutes because of “trouble.” I’m thankful that we have an alarm in our house for safety and security. I’m also thankful that it knows to “let me know” when there is something wrong going on. I’m just not thankful for it when all of this happens between 2:30 and 4:30 in the morning.

People might say that I’ll look back at this one day and be thankful. I won’t. How many times do we find ourselves being annoyed at the “alarms” that are in our life? Friends, family, peers, co-workers can act as our alarms. Do we wish we had a snooze button for them?? We must be grateful, thankful and aware of the “alarms” that God has placed in our lives. If we are constantly attempting to ignore these alarms and hit the snooze button on them – we will not wake up to the truth. We will purposefully walk in darkness. I used to be bad for this; I had people in my life that would stand from the sidelines and warn me of impending doom. I had others who would warn me of impending doom.

When I chose to ignore them (which shamefully, was more often than not) I found myself in the exact situation that they had warned me not to fall into. Alarms. They can be the worst thing in the world. However – they are successful in doing the one thing they do best – warning us.

Who in YOUR life today is your alarm? Who is standing beside and behind you, supporting and encouraging you – and warning you of some things that you may not see? The other question that needs to be answered is this – Do you have an “alarm system” in your life?” If not – I ask you to strongly consider having one. It will save your life!


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