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A Mentoring Strategy

Heading into the Christmas season is a great time for reflection and evaluation. Certainly some of that energy needs to be focused on your ministry, but don’t forget to make sure your mentoring relationships are in order, too. Here is one simple strategy to consider:

Look Forward – Who Is Leading You?
It is imperative that you find someone who is a little further down the path than you; somebody a little older, and a little wiser. Many youth workers are pioneers, but the benefits of a seasoned mentor shouldn’t be overlooked. Being mentored from a distance is possible, but having someone in real-life is a better option. Being mentored through blogs and books is also a possibility, but without access to discussion the dialogue is decidedly one way. Because things slow down a bit over the holidays, it’s a great time to connect, reconnect or start a relationship with a youth ministry mentor.

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Look Around – Who Are You Leading With?
There is nothing better than sharing in ministry with a close friend. They might be an incredible intern, a parent who jumped in to help or a volunteer who is so like-minded people think someone cloned your brain. In addition to the mentor who is leading you, make sure you are “doing life” with another youth worker and are journeying together.

Look Back – Who are You Leading?
God is going to do something special with several of the students in your ministry. His Kingdom is going to be built because of these young men and women. Why not pick one or two of them to pour a little extra into? Sure, you can lead the whole group from “up front”, through your programs, but what could it look like if you hand-picked one or two and gave them some customized mentoring? If you take a second to think about your own experiences growing up, no doubt there were several people along the way that distinctively shaped you toward becoming God’s man or God’s woman. Pass that experience on!

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Very few good things happen by accident. Don’t leave the concept of mentoring to chance; it’s too important!

A Mentoring Strategy

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