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A Light In Darkness

-This is a great, fun game for leading into topics like spiritual warfare, reaching the lost, etc.
-This is best played with low lights and room to run and hide. You will need enough glow bracelets for everyone once they, “find the light”. It also helps to have hooded robes for the demons.

1.Use a cross with a light attached. Everyone starts out being, “lost” in the dark with a base of some kind where they return to if caught. You can either chose 2-3, “demons” beforehand or have some surprise guest adults join in as demons. (our youth loved this!)

2. The lost are looking for the lighted cross. While they are looking the demons can tag them and escort them back to base where they have to stay for a 5 minutes or have them do jumping jacks, etc.

3. If the lost find the lighted cross, a helper at the cross will give them a glow bracelet signifying they, “have the found the light” as Christians. The helper will also give the lighted ones a prayer on a piece of paper they have to read out loud to chase off demons trying to stop them. The helper also gives them a paper slip with a CLUE for the lost as to where the lighted cross can be found. We used Scripture as a clue.

4. The lighted Christians now try to find the lost and give them the clue to the lighted cross. The demons have to work in pairs to harass Christians but can go solo to catch the lost.

5. The goal is to seek and save the lost. A variation is to only give out a few bracelets and to have the Christians try to get as many lost to the cross as they can. The lost also can have the option of staying or leaving once they got to the cross.

6. Most importantly, be sure to talk it over with youth when done. Ask questions about parallels with facing real fear, evil, having the light of Christ, etc. As a leader be sure to have Scripture on hand to support answers and dialogue. Have fun!

A Light In Darkness

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