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a leader in crisis: I can’t decide (part 2)

Today we are finishing our series with a 2nd part article on decision making. CLICK HERE to read yesterday’s article.

4. Ask for advice from a trusted few. If it’s a difficult decision you’re facing, don’t be afraid to tap into wisdom from within the Body of Christ. Go to people who are safe and don’t gossip (it can be disastrous if you rely on someone with loose lips!). It’s a mistake to only talk to people who agree with everything you say. You may want to start with like-minded people, so you can “test” your ideas within a real conversation. However, tough decisions require that you talk to the people who will give you their unfiltered, honest opinion. When you go to get their wisdom, listen. Be open to hearing anything (that is why you are talking to someone else). Then, consider deeply what you heard. Often, solutions can come from surprising sources.

REFUEL: an uncomplicated guide to connecting with God

5. Make the decision, tell someone, and move forward. When the prayer/wisdom-seeking/reflection groundwork is finished, it’s time to make the decision.

Depending on your situation, include your senior pastor or supervisor. When they are kept in the dark, they may get blindsided by the result of your decision and hear about it from someone else. Being caught off guard will make it more difficult for them to support you.

As a general rule, move forward with the best solution that is the least complex. Simple answers are often the greatest answers. Be prepared for a consequence to your decision, but don’t be paralyzed waiting for conflict to arrive. It’s impossible to have all the unknowns figured out…so go about your leadership and prepare yourself for the next difficult decision.

Leadership is lonely! But it doesn’t have to be when you align yourself with wise friends who can help you and celebrate with you.

REFUEL: an uncomplicated guide to connecting with God

6. SAY THANKS TO GOD. When everything is “said and done” take a moment to celebrate and thank God. Even if everything wasn’t “fixed,” you were faithful and God was working regardless of your decisions. It’s time to move on, but don’t forget to stop and worship the God who cares more about your ministry than you do.

We hope our ideas have been helpful. More importantly, you aren’t in this alone! The God of the universe is on your side, wanting you to do the right thing, ready to support you with his incomparably great power. And, we are cheering you on too and want to be there to help when we can.

a leader in crisis: I can’t decide (p...

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