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25 Questions to Help Debrief Your Youth Ministry Summer Calendar

Last week we talked about debriefing your summer calendar, and we got a great response from it (largely asking the question, “how?”) and thought it might be good to devote a whole article on the topic. So today we’re going to list 20 questions to help you begin to evaluate your summer youth ministry calendar:

Equip your adult volunteers & students to grow as leaders in your ministry.

·      What did we plan that was a success?

·      What surprised us that was totally awesome?

·      Where did we get blindsided?

·      Was there a good balance of evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and worship?

·      Did we lose/gain momentum at any time this summer?

·      What was an epic fail?

·      Where were the wins with parents?

·      Is there an event we need to move to a different place in the calendar?

·      Was the format of our website/Facebook/blog/printed calendar clear?

·      Was there enough promotion for our events? How could we make it better?

·      Is there a sacred cow we need to shoot?

·      Where were our leaders unprepared?

·      Are there opportunities to integrate our students into the church body we should consider next year?

·      What event should we never do again?

·      Were there any surprising turnouts in numbers?

·      Where did we communicate poorly?

·      In what circumstances did parents contact us?

·      Who is a key volunteer we need to circle back with now that summer is over?

·      Was it easy for parents to find out information/download forms/get a registration packet?

·      Were entry level – core students challenged this summer?

·      What was so great we need to consider making it an annual tradition?

·      Which volunteer was incredible and needs to be challenged to be a small group leader this school year?

·      What events seemed best to invite friends to?

·      Where did I as the leader have the most fun relationally hanging with students?

·      Where did we see the most decisions made for Christ?

Equip your adult volunteers & students to grow as leaders in your ministry.

There are 25 to get you started…get rid of some, add some of your own and start asking away!

25 Questions to Help Debrief Your You...

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