Looking for an “easy” lesson the week after Thanksgiving? This one is for you!
Should we really only say, “Thank You,” once a year? Here is an easy video that is funny and gets students thinking about those “things we should say.” It also could be used as a “pick me up,” for your team.
Students you are going to watch a video on the “20 Things We Should Say More Often.”
Students pen and paper to write down the top 3 things they agree we should be saying.
Show the Video:
After the laughing has subsided 🙂 Ask these questions:
- What were your top three statements you thought about?
- Why?
- Why do you think we need to say that more often?
Then Say:
Psalm 19:14 tells us, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”
- How could this verse have to do with this video?
- Why do we care if our words and thoughts please God?
- Why does what we say matter to God?
Go around the room or your small groups and have each student share.
Then have students come up with a “Top 10 List” of their own.
- What are the “Top 10 Things” they personally need to say more often?
- Pick 1 thing you will work to say more often THIS WEEK.
Follow up the following week by asking them how it went and if it changed anything at all!