I wrote a post a while ago (click here to read), and I mentioned that I have twenty questions ready to go when I meet a new student. I’ve gotten more responses on wanting those twenty questions than anticipated, so I thought I’d just make it a post. Here are a few things to remember about these questions:
- I don’t use them all at once.
- I fish until I get a bite. Once I ask the question they are interested in talking about, I camp there until it’s time to move on to something else.
- The follow up question is just as important as the initial question. You want to listen actively.
- It’s not about asking the questions, it’s about the conversation.
Here are the questions I have ready to go when meeting new students:
- What’s your name?
- Were you named after anyone?
- Do you play a sport?
- How was or how is your season going?
- What school do you attend?
- Favorite class and why?
- Do you have any siblings?
- Do you like them?…haha
- How old are you?
- Do people tell you that you look older or younger?
- What grade are you in?
- Do you have a favorite teacher?
- How did you meet the friend who brought you?
- How long have you been friends?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- How often do you get to do that or go there?
- Why did you decide to come to church?
- Are you excited or indifferent about being here?
- Do you play an instrument?
- How long have you been playing?
- Do you have any other talents?
- Do your parents go to church?
- Why or why not?
- Best vacation you’ve ever been on?
- How long did you go for?
- Best thing that happened on the trip?
- What type of music do you like?
- Who’s your favorite artist?
- How did you like the service?
- Anything you liked the most?
- Have you ever been out of the country?
- Did you eat anything weird?
- Do you have a favorite color?
- Are you the type that has to wear your favorite color?
- Do you have a favorite movie?
- How about a favorite actress or actor?
- Do you have a favorite sports team?
- Do you have a favorite athlete?
- Is this your first time going to church?
- Is it what you expected?
- Are you coming back?
- Favorite Harry Potter character?
- Have you seen the Hobbit?
Here ya go!! Now, I don’t use these in the order I’ve written them. I follow the feel of the conversation and insert the question that fits best.
What are some other questions that should be added?
Hope it helps,
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