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20 Ideas to Increase Relational Ministry (Part 2)

Yesterday we ran down 10 quick hits on increasing relational ministry in your youth group; today we’re back with 10 more and hoping you contribute another couple in the comments, too! Here we go:

11. Set up shop at a fast-food place right next to the school that has open lunch. Send a group text saying you’re buying tacos for the first 5 who show up.

12. Get a copy of the school paper; shoot an email to the principle with encouragement.

13. Buy every ad space possible—football programs, gym banners, etc. Banners don’t make a ministry more relational but they let people know you are available when the time arises.

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14. Show up at funerals for any teenager in the community. Your face is a symbol of the care of Christ. Even if you don’t talk to anyone, your presence makes a statement.

15. Organize a “drop by” coffee shop afternoon where students or leaders can drop in for a free drink on you and a chat.

16. Have your room set and program done 15 minutes before the service starts so you can greet everyone as they come in.
17. When you’re waiting in line at the store, text students encouraging messages.

18. Prep your senior pastor or key leader about a student’s accomplishment so they can praise them later.

19. Handwritten cards will be cherished forever. Write the note on a postcard for a win with the parents, too.

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20. Offer to take a student out for coffee. Immediately set a time and place and put it in your phone because “sometimes” never seems to happen!

Got a best practice or tip to increase relational ministry in your youth ministry?

20 Ideas to Increase Relational Minis...

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