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160-Character Gift [FREE]

This message is from a former student who goes to a church where I onced served…

Hey! I went to church yesterday and it made me wish you were still there! I hope you, Keri, and the kids are doing well!

These 120 characters made my day. It probably took her 48 seconds to write and send it, and now I have this boost in my day and an encouraging memory.

What can you do this Christmas with 160 characters or less? Your gift of time and words can make the difference in someone’s day, and continue the investment you have been making in your teens, parents, staff, and/or your pastor.  I am looking for succinct ways to say “you matter” or “thank you” or “I noticed when you…” Here are a few cut, paste, edit, and send ideas:

To a Struggling Student:

  • Thanks for sharing about your (EXAM, PARENT ISSUE, WORRY) with me. I believe in you. Let’s talk again on (DATE) so I know how it went.
  • I know you said you were struggling with (ISSUE). I wish you could see you as God sees you. Praying for you.

Encouraging a Student:

  • When you said (THE THING THEY SAID) it really encouraged me. I just wanted you to know I appreciate you. Thanks!
  • I saw you (INSERT A MOMENT THEY DID SOMETHING GREAT). That was AWESOME! Looking forward to seeing you at church this week!
  • You gave some great input at our (MEETING/SMALL GROUP). I can see you growing in your relationship with Jesus. See you next week!

Encouraging a Volunteer:

  • I love seeing you in action. Thanks for loving and serving Jesus and our students.
  • You did a great job (INSERT WHAT WAS GREAT) tonight. Thanks for letting students see a great leader in action!
  • Hey (INSERT NAME), you are really good at (ANNOUNCEMENTS/TALENT/GIFT). Would you do it tonight for our students?
  • The way you handled (STUDENT’S NAME) tonight was great. Thanks for your investment!

Encouraging Your Pastor:

  • “INSERT QUOTE FROM THEIR SERMON” stood out to me. I will be thinking about that all week. Thanks for your obedience to God in saying hard things.

Encouraging a Parent:

  • I know it is not easy being a parents, but you are doing a great job…I see it in (TEEN’S NAME).
  • I love watching you with (TEEN’S NAME). You are being a great example to other parents. Thanks!

160-Character Gift [FREE]

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