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10 Questions to Ask Graduated Seniors

question markCompanies and organizations often do “exit interviews” and they do so for many different reasons.  But the biggest one is that they get really honest answers.  They do this so they can learn, become better at what they do and more faithfully care for their employees.

I think student ministry pastors need to do this too.  Asking graduated seniors the following questions can help you become better at what you do, be more in tune with the actual needs of your students and provide a natural way for you to give a few things for them to think about as they move onto the next stage of education.  But mostly it’s about asking them questions and keeping your ears open.

Here are 10 questions to ask graduated seniors:

  1. What is one thing you would NOT want to see changed in our ministry?
  2. If you were me, what two things would you do differently in our ministry?
  3. What questions are you thinking through right now? (note: this is a good one to ask because it can clue you into which questions you should answer for the next years seniors!)
  4. What do you think the biggest need is of the students in our ministry?
  5. What aspect of our ministry do you think is the most effective in helping students grow in their faith?  Why that one?  Anything we can do better?
  6. What do you think the students at (name school here) want the most out of life?  What is a way that our ministry can meet/address that desire?
  7. What was it that helped you best connect in our ministry?
  8. Do you feel like you were invested in the way you expect churches to invest in people?  What could we do better?
  9. Was there anything in our ministry that made you feel uncomfortable or discouraged?
  10. Do you feel like you were encouraged in our ministry?  If so, what did you find to be most encouraging?

10 Questions to Ask Graduated Seniors

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